DesignSeries.pngSetting the section cut plane display for plug-in objects

For objects such as plumbing fixtures, cabinets, and furniture that are typically shown uncut in section viewports even when they intersect the cut plane, you can set how the plug-in object should display when it passes through the cut plane: as if cut by the cut plane, or as if either below/beyond or above/before the cut plane.


This setting can be overridden for individual objects in a section viewport; see Presentación de objetos tridimensionales en encuadres de sección .

The section cut plane display can also be set for symbol definitions in the Create Symbol dialog box or the Symbol Options dialog box; see Creating symbol definitions.

To set how the plug-in object displays when it intersects a section viewport cut plane:

Depending on whether you are setting the section cut plane display for a plug-in object style or plug-in object instance, right-click on the resource or object and select Plug-in Object Style Options or Plug-in Object Options from the context menu.

The Plug-in Object Style Options dialog box or Plug-in Object Options dialog box opens.

If you are setting the display for the plug-in object style, set whether the parameters will be defined by style or by instance (see Concepto: estilos de objeto de complemento). If you are setting the display for an instance, verify the by style/instance settings to confirm that you can set the display for this instance; however, the by style/instance setting can only be established from the Plug-in Object Style Options dialog box.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Class and 2D components parameters

To select the class and set the parameters for 2D components, see Opciones adicionales de estilo e instancias de objeto de complemento.

Horizontal/Vertical Section Cut Plane

(Design Suite required)

Set how the plug-in object displays when it intersects the cut plane in horizontal and vertical section viewports.

View as Cut when Cut in Viewport: The object displays as cut where it passes through the viewport’s cut plane.

View as Uncut below/beyond when Cut in Viewport: The object displays uncut as if located below/beyond the cut plane.

View as Uncut above/before when Cut in Viewport: The object displays uncut as if located above/before the cut plane.

This setting can be overridden for individual objects in a section viewport; see Presentación de objetos tridimensionales en encuadres de sección .

Creación de encuadres de sección


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